Go from New to Experienced Teacher — without spending years trying to figure it out on your own.
Get on the wait list now to be the first notified to get everything you need to stay on top of your teaching workload – without the overwhelm or confusion.
Tired of Riding the Struggle Bus?
Exhausted just thinking of all the things you are expected to know as a new teacher?
From managing a class of students with different needs to staying on top of planning & assessing, teaching engaging lessons and don't forget completing the never-ending list of administrative tasks!
Do you catch yourself wishing there was one place to go to get all that you weren't taught at university?
We know how overwhelming teaching can feel when you’re just getting started.
That's why we're on a mission to show YOU how to CONQUER all your biggest challenges!
Here's what new teachers have to say about Transform Your First Years
Transform Your First Years helped me gain confidence with planning, report writing and communicating with parents. The support Ashleigh & Alisha provide you is invaluable, and worth every cent. It will help you feel prepared and achieve your goals as a teacher!
TYFY has given me the tools to improve my overall organisation. Feeling organised definitely makes me a better teacher for my students.
I learnt so many practical skills that were not taught at my particular university. I felt exceptionally prepared to begin causal teaching during my final year of university and my first year of teaching.
This mentorship provided me with a space with no shame and the opportunity to be vulnerable about the worries I had as a first year teacher. We were provided with a number of resources that helped me get through daily life as a teacher. I would highly recommend it!
It has been great having people to talk to that may be experiencing similar things I am going through.
Ashleigh and Alisha were so open to assisting us at any time and providing us with resources when we needed them. They were lovely people to learn from, who provide knowledge about so many different things from different perspectives. I love how they didn't 'push' one way of teaching, it was very open for us to interpret and adapt into our classroom context.
It's been worth more than my 4 years at uni! The realness and openness of both Alisha and Ashleigh shine a light on 'real life' teaching that uni just doesn't quite cover. As a visual and hands-on learner, I'll be forever grateful for that!
Transform Your First Years helped me to be able to better cater for the needs of my students. The best part is the live/Q&A questions! It was so helpful having a safe space to ask questions.
Thank you so much for your time and advice… it has been extremely fun and beneficial learning through this course!
Transform Your First Years is coming in 2023
Once you join the wait list, we'll share more about...
💌 The processes, resources, and your future mentors (us) that you'll work with inside of the membership.
💌 You'll get helpful strategies on what to do next on your journey as a new teacher.
💌 You'll be the first to know about any brand new, free training that we release as well as be first in line when the door's open for Transform Your First Years.
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